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Cell-type specific plasticity shapes neocortical dynamics for motor learning

In this ground-breaking webinar, Shouvik Majumder from Hidehiko Inagaki's lab explores how cortical circuits acquire new dynamics that drive learned movements. This webinar focusses on mouse premotor cortex in relation to learned lick-timing and explore high-density electrophysiology using our silicon neural probes alongside region and cell-type-specific acute genetic manipulations of proteins required for synaptic plasticity.

Shouvik is a grad student in Hidehiko Inagaki's lab where he is investigating how synaptic plasticity shapes neural dynamics in the neocortex during learning by combining electrophysiology, manipulation of synaptic plasticity, and computational modeling to describe how plasticity in a key excitatory cell type is required for sculpting neocortical dynamics to learn new behavior.